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OBO Finland focusses on geothermal energy

Since 2019 the headquarter of OBO Finland can be found near the Finnish capital Helsinki. It consists of a sales company and a logistic site. When the Finnish colleagues moved to their new site, they...

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OBO's main site uses 100% green energy

A key resource for the production of more than 30,000 OBO products is energy. Around 20 million kilowatt hours are required each year just in the production facilities of our main location in Menden,...

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OBO supports aid project for the civilian population of Ukraine

Ansgar Frommeyer from the aid organisation "Rolling Hospital" had a simple yet brilliant idea for supporting the Ukrainian civilian population: He converted a total of 12 buses into mobile warm rooms.

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New electrical infrastructure for the Diospi Suyana mission hospital in Peru

It was the summer of 2021 when OBO received a cry for help from the Andes: The Diospi Suyana mission hospital needed urgent support.

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The Christoph Bettermann Schools in Uganda

Some 400 children are educated here and receive basic education for a period of eight years. Medical clinics, therapy and care facilities are also an integral part of the school.

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Good news despite raw materials crisis

The entire building sector is suffering from a lack of raw materials and rising prices. Wood, steel, insulation and plastics are currently scarcely available. Construction projects are being delayed....

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"Dear Imaginary Audience" – RKS-Magic cable trays again become part of an art installation

In the exhibition "Dear Imaginary Audience" by the New York art duo Eva and Franco Matters, the RKS-Magic cable trays from OBO again become a modern work of art. At Fotomuseum Winterthur in Zurich,...

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Fits every battery-powered screwdriver: The pre-tensioner bit for earthing pipe clamp

The pre-tensioner bit for OBO earthing pipe clamps provides a noticeable time saving during mounting. A unique product on the market, the pre-tensioner fits in all standard bit holders (1/4 inch, 6.3...

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Нова назва продукту для підвісного елемента енергозабезпечення

On hand. On task. On point – новий девіз HoverCube. Той самий товар, інша назва – для вас більше нічого не змінюється. Як зазвичай, попередньо зібрані елементи енергозбереження доступні для...

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Новий довідник із вибору пристрою захисту від високої напруги

Новий довідник із вибору пристроїв OBO містить огляд найпоширеніших застосувань пристроїв для захисту від перенапруг.

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